  • ファイルサイズ: 153 KB
  • 価格: $10
  • ダウンロード: 729
  • 作者: Ayaton LTD
  • 説明:
    In a program in the table portion, implemented the basic math functions - addition,
    subtraction, multiplication, and division of numbers, insert, copy, block or line.
    Blocks of numbers for clarity could be separated from each other by empty line.
    Using functional panel, you can calculate trigonometric, inverse trigonometric
    functions, degree or radian measure. Decimal and natural logarithms, reverse value,
    factorial, degree exhibitors, to raise a number to a power, get root of a number.
    The program is able to allocate the numbers from the text.
  • 無料ダウンロード
